Saturday, December 17, 2011

thankful for classmate

   I’m thankful for Arliss Banks he might not be all cool and what not but he’s a good friend and an excellent lab partner in chemistry. If it wasn’t because of him I don’t think I would have my “B” in chemistry he corrects my sometimes, I correct him sometimes, we work together well, and he never seems to get mad and give up on the problems we have in class. Thank you Arliss you’re a good friend.

I’m also thankful for Mckinley man he’s super funny I don’t think I could make it thru English without him he keeps my spirit up but can also get on my nerves at times but that’s cool because he know I’ll hit him in the eye LOL just kidding.

Life is good just the way I’m living it, to be honest I think I have a really good life. At first I thought I was going thru hell but no I’m just a teenager growing up in this world. I really don’t have much more to say so I think ill end it here. Man I only got 188 words so far. I need a lot of more to reach 300 wait that’s not a lot its only less than a hundred words to go. If you didn’t notice I’m just wasting words to get by in this dry blog of mine sorry viewers if I suck but I just love basketball and basketball only forgive me. I have a lot of homework to do so I’m leaving now goodbye blog see you soon. J

direction in class

In class I think we should have more group assignments but less class discussions I’m not the one who would partake in many groups’ things, I’m a shy person and I would come out of my shell for anyone no matter who it is. Being me is being me and no one can change that. I feel we should be able to move to different seats every day I get tired of being next to certain people yeah they are all cool but I like to be sitting alone where no one can disturb me. Once again that’s just me being me, I think I like who I’m becoming, I’m getting more mature for my age and I’m starting to calm down. I used to be very angry and upset I don’t know why, maybe my dad, or things that goes on at home but everyone has problems mine are just too big for my little head.

  I really like this class everyone gets alone were coming together as a whole but I want to take the time out and congratulate my friend Mckinely on winning the tournament at Proviso East. Yeah u told you once but I’m telling you again good job little fella keep up the good work and don’t forget never slack you are only hurting yourself. I learned the hard way but I won’t give up.

father and son

A father and son relationship should be a strong bond between two individuals or more like family members ones who can talk to each to other about everything, anything almost love something so powerful nothing can stop the two.

   Hi I’m Erwin Henry and my father name is also Erwin Henry, yes you can put the “Jr.” at the end of my name. Most of the time I think about the name my father gave me and what my dad is like. He is 6’1 between light-skinned and Carmel, he’s muscular, works at a John Marshall high school, protecting the students (Security guard). I won’t get deep into my dad’s life but also when I think of Erwin the name which was giving to me I think about my dad’s dad and how he was like. I really didn’t know or even ever seen him my grandfather but my dad told me stories of how horrible it was growing up. He’d only seen his dad twice and the first time was when he was 21, I felt sorry because my dad was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 12 and his dad my grandfather wasn’t there. When I heard this story, my dad told me he would never treat me like his dad treated him, but most African American fathers aren’t there. My dad kind as he is, is there but not when I need him most. My dad loves me dearly but he can step it up but that just brings the beautiful out of him my dad Erwin Darrell Henry     

winter poem

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
In this poem, you’ll see
The real me
Hay! LOL
Christmas, what is it really?
A time for peace/family/joy
Think about the lost kids
No homes!
No gifts!
No friends!
They are just kids, you got everything you want or could wish for
While the homeless kids wish for
Another day
Just to see this place
A place god created
I take time out of my day
Go to volunteer and help the needy
Giving out food
Praying to god to end this recession
Even though we put ourselves in this situation
Only you almighty lord can help us
Christmas a small wish I wished for
End this
End it soon
The homeless
Something’s ill just give my life for
I wish

Monday, December 12, 2011

Where Did You Go JD?

What was the popular view of his book in the 1950s?

    In 1950 everyone thought JD Salinger’s book "The catcher and the rye" was fascinating and enlightening, but also very depressing. People considered that the character in the book "Holden," had an attitude toward society and the human conditions. Depression, nervous breakdowns, impulsive spending, sexual exploration, vulgarity, and erratic behavior, all where things in the novel that people looked at while facing problems American youth had during the 1950's.

How has it changed?

    People views are still pretty much the same, but the government has banned this book because they think it has obscene language, sexuality, and wasn’t appropriate for the youth.

In my opinion:
    The catcher in the rye shouldn’t be banned this book does have some things in it that’s not appropriate for children but so are other books or magazines that have nude pictures etc… The society today can just take the books away from their children and lay down the law, so it can’t be read. This book doesn’t offend anyone and doesn’t have subluminal messages in them that tell the world to do such things. But there are story’s that are trying to prove that the book “the catcher and the rye” does make people want to kill people or even do crazy things
1.      Mark David Chapmen shot John Lennon and was found that night with the book. 
2.      John Hinckley Jr assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981 found half a dozen  books in Hinckley hotel room.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Theme in "The Road"

   A theme in “The Road,” is the father and son relationship, even though they never say “I love you” it’s a strong bond the father tries to have with his son so when he dies his son can walk on with the torch, by which he means “the fire.” The torch is really just trying to keep society alive and not be like his mother who gave into her fear and walked outside to get killed by cannibals.
Cormac McCarthy: But a lot of the lines that are in there are verbatim conversations my son John and I had. I mean just that when I say that he's the co-author of the book. A lot of the things that the kid [in the book] says are things that John said. John said, "Papa, what would you do if I died?" I said, "I'd want to die, too," and he said, "So you could be with me?" I said, "Yes, so I could be with you." Just a conversation that two guys would have.
In the book “The Road” the father obsessively protects his son and prepares him to carry on alone. (Example) While lying on the beach in the sand the father told his son to hold the gun while he swam to a ship to search for things, the son falls asleep with the gun and someone robs them. When the father gets back he’s pissed, he searches for the thief and eventually find him, gets his things and also makes the thief takes off his clothes. He shows his son not to have any sympathy for the “bad guys” in the world they’re in. “He knew only that the child was his warrant. If he is not the word of God, God never spoke.”

Monday, September 19, 2011

there goes the neighborhood

Well I just moved into my new house which is only right down the street from my old house. In this neighborhood I don’t have a lot of friends and don’t think I need any because in this part of town its very dangerous there is shooting a lot. I never go outside around here or even be on my porch but there’s this girl next door and she's dark skinned and kind of cute I wish we could talk but every time I see her she's with her mother I don’t want to be rude so I just speak to both of them and continue my business. In my family we just had a new born child her name is Eryn I really didn’t want to have another child in the house because we can barely managed ourselves now it’s very hard when my mother broke the news my bad just went horrible I couldn’t take it at all but now I’ve learn just to live with what my mother does so that’s why I stay in my own little world. I’ll be 18 in two years so then I can move out and hopefully be in college doing my thing.


My name is Erwin Henry currently I play basketball for the Whitney young dolphins in I'm proud to say it because I worked so hard to get to where I am today. In my future I would like to do one of these three things 1. Do construction (I heard they make a lot of money but u can seriously get hurt) 2. Be an architect (I can't draw really well but I love building things) 3. Be an engineer (I really don't like fixing cars but I do like helping people n I they make a descent amount of money Also) recently my mother just had a Baby I'm not too proud of it but it's time for me to grow up and just except life. this year I plan to be on top of my grades so all the Whitney young fans support me and the basketball team during the season (my jersey number is 2)  When the season start I’m going to work very hard so I can keep my position on varsity. This year as far as basketball in the things I need to work on is my defense in how I react in certain situations. I’ll keep you posted fans!