Saturday, December 17, 2011

thankful for classmate

   I’m thankful for Arliss Banks he might not be all cool and what not but he’s a good friend and an excellent lab partner in chemistry. If it wasn’t because of him I don’t think I would have my “B” in chemistry he corrects my sometimes, I correct him sometimes, we work together well, and he never seems to get mad and give up on the problems we have in class. Thank you Arliss you’re a good friend.

I’m also thankful for Mckinley man he’s super funny I don’t think I could make it thru English without him he keeps my spirit up but can also get on my nerves at times but that’s cool because he know I’ll hit him in the eye LOL just kidding.

Life is good just the way I’m living it, to be honest I think I have a really good life. At first I thought I was going thru hell but no I’m just a teenager growing up in this world. I really don’t have much more to say so I think ill end it here. Man I only got 188 words so far. I need a lot of more to reach 300 wait that’s not a lot its only less than a hundred words to go. If you didn’t notice I’m just wasting words to get by in this dry blog of mine sorry viewers if I suck but I just love basketball and basketball only forgive me. I have a lot of homework to do so I’m leaving now goodbye blog see you soon. J

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